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Trade Mission Romania


The Luxembourg Chamber of Commerce, in close cooperation with the Embassy of Luxembourg to Romania, the Embassy of Romania in Luxembourg and RomLux, will organize a trade mission to Bucharest, from 30th of September to 3rd of October 2024.

Romania is projected to be the 3rd fastest-growing economy in the EU this year and is already the largest economy in southeastern Europe. With a large pool of highly skilled and cost-competitive IT professionals, the country has become a regional hub for software development, IT outsourcing, and cutting-edge research. Whilst also boasting the largest logistics market in the region.

The programme of the mission will include: 

  • a visit to the How to Web Conference - Eastern Europe’s technology conference;
  • an opportunity to join the Endeavour Romania conference networking - the world’s leading community of high-impact entrepreneurs;
  • Luxembourg-Romania Business Forum in Bucharest followed by tailor-made b2b meetings;
  • an official reception hosted by the Luxembourg Embassy to Romania;
  • a visit to the European Cybersecurity Competence Centre (ECCC);
  • sector specific company visits. 

Sectors: Space, Cybersecurity, IT/Data Management, Fintech, Industry and Defense

Your contacts:

Ms Georgia Kossmann / Ms Vanessa Kirsch

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