
The Order of Architects and Consulting Engineers official mission, established by Luxembourgish law, is to guarantee the enforcement of rights and duties specifically linked to public interests covered by the

5 OAI professions:

architects, interior architects, consulting engineers, urban designers / master planners, and landscape architects / landscape engineers.

A very dynamic and growing sector

Since 1990:

  • the number of offices has tripled for architects (535 at the beginning of 2024)
  • the number of offices has quintupled for consulting engineers (223 at the beginning of 2024).

These offices established in Luxembourg employ nearly 6.000 people.

3 OAI missions: legal, professional, cultural.

Beyond its missions as a legal body, as a professional organisation and as an institution of public interest, the OAI enhances the real dimension of its members’ work at an economic, social, artistic and cultural level, to attain a sustainable, smart and high quality living environment.

More information: www.oai.lu; www.architectour.lu; www.laix.lu; www.moai.lu; www.guideoai.lu; www.bhp.lu

Contact Information
6 Boulevard Grande-Duchesse Charlotte, L-1330 Luxembourg Tél: +352 42 24 06

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